You have to break up the fallow ground and remove the thorns to prepare it for Gods Good Seeds...Jer 4:3
Your Garden of Eden is waiting for you...Gen 3:22, Joel 2:3, Rev 22:2-3, Need Key...Luke 11:52
Key = Revival In Midst of Clouds...Ex 3:2, 19:9, 30:6-8, 1Th 4:16-17
Clouds before Latter Rains makes Gods fruits that Remain...Hos 6:1-3, Jn 15:1-16
You=Body, Soul & Spirit...Is Body, Soul & Spirit Born Again to Enter Kingdoms Anointing of God in You.
1Ths 5:23, Jn 3:1-12, Lk 17:21, 1Jn 2:27